I have a lot of ideas to post because I have been gathering them in my mind--which has plenty of space for new ideas.
I'm starting with this one because I was in a computer lab last year where students were working on a PowerPoint project. I probably was there to fix a computer since teachers call on me for that more than for technology integration, but I decided to talk to some of the students about their project.
I asked them what they thought of doing projects using PowerPoint, and they said that they were really bored with it because they've been doing it since grade school. One student told me that he had FOUR PowerPoint projects due at that particular time. FOUR. How exciting is that?
Another student shared that he was really bored with teacher use of PowerPoint for instruction. He said he could understand how PowerPoint could be a good tool, but he was bored with teachers who read what's on each slide.
Basically, these kids need to be engaged, and PowerPoint wasn't doing it for them.
One alternative is Glogster. I've mentioned it before, and many teachers use it. This blog post explains it much better than I have (and why rewrite what's already been written, anyway?): Glogster and Glogster.edu as an Alternative to Powerpoint.
While you're there, make sure you also read the author's instructions on using Glogster, just in case you've never done it before.
I've used Glogster with my online student, and not only do the students really like it, but their work is so much more enjoyable to grade than a PowerPoint presentation. PowerPoint is just too "old school."
The same blog--"Trending Education"--offers other alternatives in this post: 6 Traditional and Non-Traditional Alternatives to PowerPoint for student presentations.
I hope that you will consider these alternatives as we seek to engage our students in authentic learning.
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