Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Just Playin' Around

Okay, I'll admit, like many others, I am now addicted to Angry Birds.  Argh!  Like I have time for this!

I really like playing games, and I have been thinking (as I've been trying to guide these daggone birds to the right spots) about how playing games is not just for fun.  We often criticize people (teenagers especially) for the exorbitant amount of time they spend playing games (the various versions of "Call of Duty" come to mind), and okay, a lot of people go just a bit overboard.

But playing games is not just playing around.  Most games require critical thinking (like Angry Birds) and creativity.  And man, would I ever love to have some collaboration right now to help me get past this spot where I'm stuck!

Younger children often love school, and then grow to dislike it as they become older.  One difference?  The young kids get to play games.  In high school, we're wasting time if we play games.

Well, I don't think so!  Games are an excellent learning opportunity for any age.

1 comment:

Brent said...

try the holiday version..very addictive too