Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Well, unlike most educators, my summer vacation is really only July. For most people, an entire month off is a pretty long vacation, but since I used to have 2 1/2 months off when I was a teacher, it doesn't seem like much. I can't believe I'm back to getting to work at 7:00 AM again!

Every year when we Computer Resource Specialists return, we have a video contest related to what we did during our vacation. The limit is 90 seconds (used to be only 60), so you have to squeeze in a lot, but the videos are fun to watch. This is the third year for the contest, and I kept forgetting the first two years, but I finally remembered this year. For some reason, not many people submit videos, but I think it's really fun. Maybe other people forget, too.

This is a great alternative to the typical "What I Did on My Summer Vacation" essay, even for young students because they certainly can do more with computers than we think. I made mine with iMovie, although Virginia Beach thinks that Macs have the plague or something. But I guess Windows Movie Maker would do. :)

Here's mine, for all the world to see. I hope I win.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I didn't win. I want a recount!! :)